Although initially the concept of transmedia has been related to fictional productions, today its meaning is broader than that. In fact, transmedia stories unfold multiple media developing the story through various media and platforms and also allowing interaction and user participation. Production based on factual stories and documentaries are some of the contents and formats that have been gained by the transmedia storytelling. Some of those contents are developed in this book, offering examples and thoughts of as much as ten teachers and researchers from the UPV / EHU. The book has been published by UEU. Three members of NOR Research group, Marijo Deogracias, Libe Mimenza and Edorta Arana, have taken part in the book.
Elordui, A. eta Arana, E. (2015): “Transmedia komunikazio estrategiak. Gaurkotasun-edukiak diseinatzeko eta hedatzeko bide berriak”. Bilbao. UEU.