Graxi Irigarai, member of the NOR Group, has passed her doctoral thesis on cinema in the Northern Basque Country

Irigarai defended on 19 December 2023 in Bilbao the thesis entitled Le cinéma et l’audiovisuel en langues minoritaires en France. Le développement du cinéma basque et la genèse d’une politique publique en sa faveur au Pays Basque nord (2015-2023). The work was carried out in co-tutelage, both in Basque and French, through an agreement between the University of Bordeaux and the University of the Basque Country. Therefore, Irigarai will be a PhD at the same time in both universities. The supervisors have been Xabier Itzaina and Josu Amezaga, one for each university, respectively.

Irigarai analyzes the situation and choices of cinema in the French Basque Country. Despite the fact that throughout history it has been the place where many films have taken place and is into a state that greatly promotes cinema, a solid structure has not been developed in the territory. On the other hand, the French protectionist film policy has, on many occasions, prevented the distribution of films in Basque produced in the Spanish Basque Country. However, several movements in recent years, both in cinema and in politics, have changed the conditions and laid the foundations for a film policy for the territory. For this policy, among other things, it is stressed that Basque language can be an advantage as it links cross-border resources (audiences, funding, policies, structures…).

For its analysis she has mainly used documentary analysis, collection and analysis of large amounts of quantitative data, as well as qualitative analysis of deep interviews with different agents.