Cinema in the Northern Basque Country: diagnostis and recommendations.
Head of research: Graxi irigarai
Funding institution: EEP – Office Public de la Langue Basque, EKE – Institut Culturel Basque, Communauté d’Agglomération Pays Basque, Département des Pyrénées Atlantiques, Eurorégion Nouvelle Aquitaine/Navarre/Euskadi and ALCA – Agence du Livre et du Cinéma de Nouvelle Aquitaine
Start date: 29/06/2022
End date: 31/12/2022
Funding received: 0
Researchers: Josu Martínez Martínez, Patxi Azpillaga Goenaga, Josu Amezaga Abizu, Ramon Zallo Elgezabal
Nature: Contracts and agreements
Gorputza, egiletasuna eta generoa euskal kultur sorkuntzan.
Head of research: Ibon Egaña Echeverria
Funding institution: UPV/EHU
Reference: US21/17
Start date: 2021
End date: 2023
Funding received: 18.200€
Researchers: Ibon Egaña Echeverria, Eider Rodríguez Martín, Miren Artetxe Sarasola
Nature: Contracts and agreements
Gaztelera eta frantsesarekiko desoreka euskal gazteen eguneroko hizkerarako adierazkortasunean. Faktore honen eragina Donostia eta Baionako unibertsitate-ikasleen hizkuntza-hautua..
Head of research: Miren Artetxe Sarasola
Funding institution: Euskaltzaindia
Start date: 01/09/2022
End date: 30/06/2023
Funding received: 9.000 euro
Researchers: Miren Artetxe Sarasola, Garbiñe Bereziartua Etxeberria
Nature: Contracts and agreements
Analysis of the Basque language and culture brand.
Head of research: Estitxu Garai Artetxe
Funding institution: UPV/EHU, Kontseilua, Topagunea, AEK, EMUN, Ikastolen Elkartea, Elkar Fundazioa, Berria Fundazioa, Elhuyar Fundazioa
Start date: 2019/02/06
End date: 2021/02/18
Funding received: 38000
Researchers: Irene Garcia Ureta, Angeriñe Elorriaga Illera, Katixa Aguirre Miguelez, Irati Agirreazkuenaga Onaindia, Patxi Azpillaga Goenaga, Ainara Miguel Sainz de Urabain, Sergio Monge Benito, Agurtzane Elordui Urliza, Jule Goikoetxea Mentxaka, Miren Artetxe Sarasola, Koldo Atxaga Arnedo
Nature: Contracts and agreements
Audience data for the Indicator System of Basque.
Nature: Research, difussion
Institution: Cluster of Sociolinguistics, Department for Linguistic Policy
CIES has collected, analyzed, and published audience data from 1984 onwards. The CIES data are the results of an annual poll conducted in Araba, Biscay, Gipuzkoa, Navarre. From 1984 until 1996, paper reports have been digitized and tables have been completed. From 1997 to 2006, digital data have been prepared for Tom Micro software. The data for the years before 2007 have been directly treated on Tom Micron. Thanks to this, open access data of media audiences in the South Basque Country are accessible. The data are clustered in terms of language and type of media, and can be crossed with various sociodemographic variables. Tthey will be updated every year.
Finding and recovery of Manuel de Ynchausti’s cinematic fund.
Nature: Research
Institution: Basque Film Archive
Manuel de Ynchausti's important cinematic foundation has been discovered and restored for the Basque Film Archive. It consists of 157 films filmed by Ynchausti himself and his son between 1922 and 1959, in addition to other commercial films.
Recovery of the film Euskadi, by René Le Hennaff and Louis Lumière.
Nature: Research, difussion
The last film produced bay Louis Lumière (Euskadi, 1936) has been localized, recovered and analyzed. This film experimentes with 3D cinema (anaglyphic glasses) and was screened in various halls with great social impact.
Membership of media Management Boards.
Nature: Others
Institution: EiTB, Berria, Goiena
Some members of the group have also been part of the Boards of different media: Basque Radio Television EITB (Josu Amezaga, 1999-2002; Edorta Arana, 2013; Beatriz Narbariza, 2013-2020); Berria newspaper (Josu Amezaga, 2011-2016 and Estitxu Garai 2016-2021); and Goiena Communication Group (Edorta Arana, 1995 -).
Basque Language and youth in Lasarte-Oria IV.
Head of research: Miren Artetxe Sarasola
Funding institution: Lasarte-Oriako udala
Reference: 20 210 408
Start date: 2021-09-12
End date: 2022/6/30
Funding received: 14999
Nature: Contracts and agreements
Design of a system to measure the reach of the Basque language media.
Head of research: Josu Amezaga Albizu
Funding institution: Hizkuntza Politikarako Sailburuordetza
Reference: 2020.0649
Start date: 2020-10-08
End date: 2020-11-25
Funding received: 19819
Researchers: Libe Mimenza Castillo
Nature: Contracts and agreements