Ekain Rojo Labaien

Ekain Rojo Labaien

Senior Lecturer and Researcher
PhD on Audiovisual Communication. Degree on Audiovisual Communication. Senior Lecturer of the Department of Audiovisual Communication and Advertising, UPV/EHU.


Centres of Bizkaia / Faculty of Social Sciences and Communication (BIZKAIA)


Audiovisual Communication and Advertising









Rojo Labaien, E., Rodríguez Díaz, Á., & Rookwood, J. (2020). Sport, Statehood and Transition in Europe: Comparative perspectives from post-Soviet and post-socialist societies. Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9780429325847

Rojo Labaien, E. (2020). Soccer, culture and society in Spain: an ethnography of Basque fandom (Mariann Vaczi). Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 26(2), 468–469. https://doi.org/10.1111/1467-9655.13291

Rojo Labaien, E. (2020). El evento del deporte laboratorio de la diversidad nacional en la España del siglo XXI. In N. Puig-Barata & A. Camps-Povill (Eds.), Diálogos sobre el deporte-Kirolari buruzko elkarrizketak (1975-2020). Barcelona: Generalitat de Catalunya (pp. 428–442). Editorial Inde. http://inefc.gencat.cat/web/.content/07_observatori/publicacions/estudis/e-book-Dialogos.pdf

Rojo Labaien, E. (2020). Oil-funded sports events as the embodiment of the evolution of post-Soviet Azerbaijan. In E. Rojo-Labaien, Á. Rodríguez-Díaz, & J. Rookwood (Eds.), Sport, Statehood and Transition in Europe: Comparative perspectives from post-Soviet and post-socialist societies (pp. 233–249). Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9780429325847

Rojo Labaien, E. (2018). The Baku 2015 European Games as a national milestone of post-Soviet Azerbaijan. Nationalities Papers, 46(6), 1101–1117. https://doi.org/10.1080/00905992.2018.1488826

Rojo Labaien, E. (2017). Football and the representation of Basque identity in the contemporary age. Soccer & Society, 18(1), 63–80. https://doi.org/10.1080/14660970.2014.980741

Rojo Labaien, E. (2017). English national identity and football fan culture. Who are ya? (Tom Gibbons). European Journal for Sport and Society, 14(1), 88–90. https://doi.org/10.1080/16138171.2017.1287386

Rojo Labaien, E. (2017). Fútbol y patriotismo en América del Sur: Entre la élite y la sociedad civil. Anduli, 15, 139–156. http://institucional.us.es/revistas/anduli/15/8_art_rojo.pdf

Rojo Labaien, E. (2017). Sport as a Pillar of Representation of the Current Basque Identity. In Paddy Dolan & John Connolly (Eds.), Sport and National Identities: Globalization and Conflict (pp. 41–59). Taylor & Francis Group, Routledge. https://www.routledge.com/Sport-and-National-Identities-Globalization-and-Conflict/Dolan-Connolly/p/book/9781138697768

Rojo Labaien, E. (2016). El fútbol, signo de la colectividad vasca durante el conflictivo establecimiento del Estado-Nación en España. In J. Kortazar (Ed.), Autonomía e ideología. Tensiones en el campo cultural vasco (pp. 337–356). Iberoamericana Vervuert. https://www.iberoamericana-vervuert.es/FichaLibro.aspx?P1=110814

Rojo Labaien, E. (2016). Euskal nazio garaikidearen azterketa futbo-ekitaldiaren bitartez. Uztaro, 96, 67–89. http://www.uztaro.eus/artikulua/124/euskal-nazio-garaikidearen-azterketa-futbol-ekitaldiaren-bitartez/1598

Rojo Labaien, E. (2015). Lasa y Zabala: Retrato violento del desarraigo social de los derechos humanos. In España en su cine: aprendiendo sociología con peliculas españolas (Dykinson, pp. 127–144). https://www.dykinson.com/libros/espana-en-su-cine-aprendiendo-sociologia-con-peliculas-espanolas/9788490853214/

Rojo Labaien, E. (2014). El fútbol: reflejo permanente de la diversidad nacional del estado español desde sus orígenes. Apunts, Educación Física y Deportes, 116, 23–32. https://doi.org/http://dx.doi.org/10.5672/apunts.2014-0983.es.(2014/2).116.02

Rojo Labaien, E. (2014). Football as a Reflection of Modern Society’s Conflicts and a Way of Creating Societal Ties in Enduring Enmity Context. International Journal of Science Culture and Sport, 2(4), 77–77. https://doi.org/10.14486/IJSCS131

Rojo Labaien, E. (2014). Futbola eta nazio eraikuntza Euskal Herrian eta Espainian. Utriusque Vasconiae. https://www.elkar.eus/eu/liburu_fitxa/futbola-eta-nazio-eraikuntza-euskal-herria-eta-espainian/rojo-labaien-ekain/9788494104442

Rojo Labaien, E. (2013). The Media and the Construction of National Identities in Basque Football. The International Journal of Sport and Society: Annual Review, 3(3), 31–42. https://doi.org/10.18848/2152-7857/CGP/v03i03/53919

Rojo Labaien, E. (2013). Futbola eta hedabideak bikoa nazio nortasunen joko zelai garaikidea: XIX. Mendetik XXI.menderako aingura (Le football et les médias; terrain de jeu contemporain pour la construction des identités nationales. Depuis le XIXe siècle au XXIe siècle). UPV/EHU.

Rojo Labaien, E. (2013). Futbola nazionalismoen biziraupenaren isla globalizazioan eta estatu-nazioen boterearen zaindaria. Uztaro, 84, 89–104. http://www.uztaro.eus/artikulua/101/futbola-nazionalismoen-biziraupenaren-isla-globalizazioan-eta-estatu-nazioen-boterearen-zaindaria/1314

Rojo Labaien, E. (2018). The Sport Mega-Events Trend in Azerbaijan in the Perpetual Dichotomy between West and East. In Universidade de Aveiro (Ed.), Conference: Sport in a Mobile World: Identity, Culture and Politics. https://www.ua.pt/govcopp/page/23135

Rojo Labaien, E. (2017). The Baku European Games as public relations undertaking of post-Soviet Azerbaijan. In European Association for Sociology of Sport (EASS) (Ed.), Conference: The 14th European Association for Sociology of Sport Conference The Values of Sport: Between tradition and (post)modernity. http://www.eass2017.cz/programme/scientific-programme

Rojo Labaien, E. (2017). Sport as an image boosting policy by the young state of Azerbaijan. In PSA Political Studies Association (Ed.), Conference: Regionalism and Nationalism in Contemporary International Sport. http://mon.uvic.cat/fec/nationalism-contemporary-international-sport/

Rojo Labaien, E. (2015). Football as a pillar of differentiation of the current Basque Identity. In E. A. for S. of Sport (Ed.), Conference: Sport, Unity & Conflict: 12th European Association for Sociology of Sport Conference. https://www.sportanddev.org/en/event/12th-european-association-sociology-sport-conference

Rojo Labaien, E. (2014). Football as a reflection of modern society’s conflicts and a way of creating societal ties in enduring enmity contexts. In International Science Culture and Sport Association ISCSA (Ed.), Conference: 3rd International Conference on Science Culture and Sport: Sport and Culture as powerful means to achieve social understanding and peace. http://www.iscs-conference.org/Archive/3rd_International_Conference _abstract-book-2014.pdf

Rojo Labaien, E. (2014). El binomio del fútbol y los medios de comunicación bastión de las expresiones nacionales en el marco de los megaeventos internacionales. In U. de Coimbra (Ed.), Conference: II Jornadas de Comunicaçao e Desporto. http://www.uc.pt/fluc/agenda/3_jornadas_comunicacao_desporto

Rojo Labaien, E. (2014). El evento del fútbol como expresión de conflicto y vector de pacificación. In G. de H. e D. do I. de H. C. e CEIS20 (Ed.), Conference: III Congresso de Historia e Desporto. http://www.fcsh.unl.pt/submissao-de-artigos-cientificos/iii-congresso-de-historia-e-desporto

Rojo Labaien, E. (2014). Michael Billig’s thesis of nationalism as an approach to analyze the nation-building by the way of football. In M. M. University (Ed.), Conference: Football and Culture 2014 Conference. https://footballandculture.wordpress.com/

Rojo Labaien, E. (2014). El acontecimiento del fútbol como espacio de conflicto mimético en España. In A. E. de I. S. A. al D. (AEISAD) (Ed.), Conference: XIII Congreso Internacional de la Asociación Española de Investigación Social Aplicada al Deporte (AEISAD) (Issue August, p. 718). Nau Llibres. http://www.llibresvalencians.com/Crisis-cambio-social-y-deporte_va_18_31989_0.html

Rojo Labaien, E. (2012). The media and the construction of national identities in Basque football: Basques and Catalans whistling the Spanish anthem together in the Cup Championship Final in 2009. In U. of Cambridge (Ed.), Conference: Third International Conference on Sport & Society. http://sportandsociety.com/

Rojo Labaien, E. (2012). Futbola XXI.mendeko nazionalismo adierazpenen gotorlekua. In UPV/EHU (Ed.), Conference: Nazionalismoa Ikertuz I kongresua. http://www.ehu.eus/eu/web/partehartuz/biltzarrak-eta-beste-ekitaldiak