
GARATERM-2: The development of an environment for the extraction of terminology and neology from linguistically processed corpora.

Head of research: Miren Igone Zabala Unzalu

Funding institution: UPV/EHU

Reference: US10/01

Start date: 2010-12-15

End date: 2012-12-14

Funding received: 25500

Researchers: Agurtzane Elordui Urkiza, Izaskun Aldezabal, Joseba Ezeiza, Mikel Lersundi, Itziar San Martin, Maria Aranzazu Diaz de Ilarraza, Mercedes Martínez Bilbao, Patxi Angulo, Antton Gurrutxaga, Igor Leturia, Iker Manterola, Xabier Saralegi, Gotzon Santander

Nature: Competitive call projects