
Monitoring language diversity and accessibility of streaming platforms in the EU.

Head of research: Katixa Agirre Miguelez

Funding institution: The Greens / EFA in the European Parliament

Reference: 2022/5841

Start date: 2022/01/01

End date: 2022/12/31

Funding received: 14.878

Researchers: Antía Mª López Gómez, Naiara Larrakoetxea Salgado , Blanca Arias Badia, Marijo Deogracias Horrillo, Josu Amezaga Albizu

Nature: Contracts and agreements

The imbalance with Spanish and French in the expressiveness of the everyday language of Basque youth. Influence of this factor on the language choice of students from the universities of Donostia and Bayona..

Head of research: Miren Artetxe Sarasola

Funding institution: The Royal Academy of the Basque Language

Start date: 2022/09/01

End date: 2023/06/30

Funding received: 9.000

Researchers: Garbiñe Bereziartua Etxeberria, Naroa Burreso

Nature: Contracts and agreements

Quantitative research on the project Hi Gazte!.

Head of research: Edorta Arana Arrieta

Funding institution: Gipuzkoako Foru Aldundia

Reference: 2021.0838

Start date: 2021/12/01

End date: 2022/12/31

Funding received: 14.520

Researchers: Edorta Arana Arrieta, Bea Narbaiza Amillategi

Nature: Contracts and agreements

Analysis of the Basque language and culture brand.

Head of research: Estitxu Garai Artetxe

Funding institution: UPV/EHU, Kontseilua, Topagunea, AEK, EMUN, Ikastolen Elkartea, Elkar Fundazioa, Berria Fundazioa, Elhuyar Fundazioa

Start date: 2019/02/06

End date: 2021/02/18

Funding received: 38000

Researchers: Irene Garcia Ureta, Angeriñe Elorriaga Illera, Katixa Aguirre Miguelez, Irati Agirreazkuenaga Onaindia, Patxi Azpillaga Goenaga, Ainara Miguel Sainz de Urabain, Sergio Monge Benito, Agurtzane Elordui Urliza, Jule Goikoetxea Mentxaka, Miren Artetxe Sarasola, Koldo Atxaga Arnedo

Nature: Contracts and agreements

Basque Language and youth in Lasarte-Oria IV.

Head of research: Miren Artetxe Sarasola

Funding institution: Lasarte-Oriako udala

Reference: 20 210 408

Start date: 2021-09-12

End date: 2022/6/30

Funding received: 14999

Nature: Contracts and agreements

Design of a system to measure the reach of the Basque language media.

Head of research: Josu Amezaga Albizu

Funding institution: Hizkuntza Politikarako Sailburuordetza

Reference: 2020.0649

Start date: 2020-10-08

End date: 2020-11-25

Funding received: 19819

Researchers: Libe Mimenza Castillo

Nature: Contracts and agreements

Gaztesare. Analysis of the Practices and Multilingual Identities of Young Basques in Social Networks.

Head of research: Agurtzane Elordui Urkiza

Funding institution: Hizkuntza Politikarako Sailburuordetza

Reference: 2020.0547

Start date: 2020-04-22

End date: 2020-12-29

Funding received: 14950

Researchers: no

Nature: Contracts and agreements

Ikusarea – Analysis of new trends in audiovisual creation, production and distribution.

Head of research: Edorta Arana Arrieta

Reference: 21240

Start date: 2019-11-25

End date: 0001-01-01

Funding received: 0

Nature: Contracts and agreements

el desarrollo del proyecto sobre contribucion del sistema universitario vasco al proceso de transformacion de Euskal Herria..

Head of research: Josu Amezaga Albizu

Funding institution: Euskampus Fundazioa

Reference: 2018.0557

Start date: 2018-07-16

End date: 2018-12-31

Funding received: 20000

Researchers: Jone Marínez Palacios, Alba Madinabeitia Ezkurra, Ane Larrinaga Renteria, Onintza Odriozola Irizar

Nature: Contracts and agreements

Basque Language media Observatory.

Head of research: Josu Amezaga Albizu

Funding institution: Hekimen

Reference: CONV17/06

Start date: 2017-05-01

End date: 2017-12-31

Funding received: 31370

Researchers: Ainara Santamaria Barinagarrementeria, Miren Manias Muñoz, Itxaso Fernandez Astobiza, Udane Goikoetxea Bilbao, Ekain Rojo Labaien, Jesus Maria Ramirez De La Piscina Martinez, Alazne Ayestaran Yarza, Beatriz Zabalondo Loidi, Imanol Murua Uria, Antxoka Agirre Maiora, Arantza Gutierrez Paz, Maria Teresa Agirreazaldegi Berriozabal, Guillermo Gurrutxaga Rekondo, Libe Mimenza Castillo

Nature: Contracts and agreements