
10 transmedia views

Although initially the concept of transmedia has been related to fictional productions, today its meaning is broader than that. In fact, transmedia stories unfold multiple…

‘Tirabirak’ exhibition is open

Photographer: Cristian Miguelez Tirabirak erakusketan gure iragan gatazkatsuaren errepasoa egiten da, hainbat egunkarietako komikigilek urteetan zehar egin dituzten tiren bidez. Bilbon ikusi ahal izan da…

Josu Martinez’s film Gure sorlekuaren bila has been awarded in Catalunian Film Festival Photo: Sira Esclasans Cardona

Korrika, a transmedia view

Edorta Arana, Bea Narbaiza and Libe Mimenza, members of the NOR Reserach Group, have published an article titled “Korrika, a transmedia view” in the newbornl…

Conferences in Baiona

Josu Martínez, member of the NOR Research Group, participated, the last 10th of December, in two conferences in Baiona; one of them in the Prison…