
Tirabirak book published

Tirabirak – Tiras que aflojan. The Basque conflict in vignettes. This books puts together several daily vignettes which have been published in different newspapers. Through…

Tirabirak project discussed in Girona

The project Tirabirak was discussed in the international conference organized at the University of Girona between April 20th and 22nd. The conference

10 transmedia views

Although initially the concept of transmedia has been related to fictional productions, today its meaning is broader than that. In fact, transmedia stories unfold multiple…

‘Tirabirak’ exhibition is open

Photographer: Cristian Miguelez Tirabirak erakusketan gure iragan gatazkatsuaren errepasoa egiten da, hainbat egunkarietako komikigilek urteetan zehar egin dituzten tiren bidez. Bilbon ikusi ahal izan da…