IDEOLING, International Symposium on Language Ideologies and Attitudes
NOR Research Group members Agurtzane Elordui, Lamia Filali-Mouncef, Miren Artetxe and Samara Velte presented several communications at IDEOLING (International Symposium on Language Ideologies and Attitudes),…
Colleague Josu Martinez gets the UPV/EHU permanent lecturer position
Josu Martinez obtained the position of permanent lecturer on July the 2nd, 2024, in the Audiovisual Communication and Advertising Department of the UPV/EHU.
Tirabirak project presented at DocsBarcelona 2017 festival
Bea Narbaiza, Mario Zubiaga, Libe Mimenza and Edorta Arana, members of NOR and EMAN, presented the interactive documentary TIRABIRAK / Tiras que aflojan during the…
A member of the NOR Group finds a 3D film recorded in Euskal Herria in 1936
Josu Martinez, a member of the NOR Research Group, has found the film in an archive in Paris. The film was produced in 1936, using…
Tirabirak book published
Tirabirak – Tiras que aflojan. The Basque conflict in vignettes. This books puts together several daily vignettes which have been published in different newspapers. Through…
Presentation of the documentary “Tirabirak / Tiras que aflojan” in Iruñea
The transmedia project “Tirabirak / Tiras que aflojan” is completed with the recent publication of an interactive documentary. Bea Narbaiza, Edorta Arana and Libe Mimenza,…
Tirabirak project discussed in Girona
The project Tirabirak was discussed in the international conference organized at the University of Girona between April 20th and 22nd. The conference
Thesis of the Group NOR, one of the two first theses in Zabalduz program.
The PhD. Thesis Euskaldunak komunikabideen aurrean: iritzien, ohituren eta jarreren azterketa kualitatibo eta kuantitatiboa (Basque speakers in front of the media: quantitative and qualitative analysis…